@The Olympia Kogyo Co.,Ltd. and Kyushu Olympia Kogyo Co.,Ltd. maintains the following policies in handling
@personal information, to promote and improve trust with our customers.
1. We will observe "the law concerning the protection of personal information" and other related ones.
2. We will clarify rules concerning the handling of personal information and keep employees informed .
@Moreover, we will obligate our consigners who handle personal information to handle it appropriately.
3. We will collect personal information only after receiving the customer's consent and use personal information
@for specified purposes only. We will neither disclose nor provide personal information to a third party unless
@there is an inevitable reason.
4. We will respect and adhere to customer's requests to amend, delete, or cease to use any personal information.
5. We will take all measures necessary to prevent personal information from being lost ,falsified or shared.
Policy on Protection of Personal Information
