Type Fuel Control mode Dumper controller Oil heater
@LB-35D.61 Heavy oil (B) ON|OFF - œ
@LB-61W H i|‚k‚ œ œ
@LB-81 H i|‚k‚ œ œ
@LBN-120D150D200 H i|‚k‚ œ œ
@LB-250D350 H i|‚k‚ œ œ
This series includes burners of a medium to large size suitable for heavy oil.
The fuel is heated while being circulated to the nozzIeCthus can provide excellent ignition and stable combustion.
This series consists of a medium to large size models,@and is equipped with a turbo fan to serve the purpose under a high combustion chamber pressureD
For heavy oil (B) @provide‚“ proportional control mode
For heavy oil (B)
Type A ‚a ‚b D E F ‚f H I ‚i ‚j L M N
@LT|50T 130 140 320 228 688 176 130 464 217 187 404 200 200 11.5
@LT|75T 130 140 320 228 688 176 130 464 217 247 464 200 200 11.5
@LT|151T 162 150 425 302 877 266 176 650 343 393 736 220 250 14
@LT|250T 190 150 477 315 942 266 222 655 357 465 822 240 290 14
Type Fuel Control mode Dumper controller Oil heater
@LT|50T Kerosene, light oil, heavy oil (A) On|Off - -
@LT|50TWD75T H‚‰[‚k‚ œ -
@LT|151TD250T H‚‰[‚k‚ œ -
@LTP|151TD250T Proportional Control motor -
@LB|151TD250T Heavy oil (B) H‚‰[‚k‚ œ œ
@LBP|151TD250T Proportional Control motor œ
œ‚k‚a series
Type A ‚a C D E F ‚f H ‚h J ‚j L M N
@LBP|61 152 120 335 205 660 155 115 480 375 254 629 195 224 11.5
@LBP|81 152 120 360 225 705 173 136 530 385 260 645 210 240 14
@LBP|120 162 150 405 238 793 200 158 550 414 380 794 210 250 14
@LBP|150 190 150 477 238 865 240 176 580 450 380 830 240 290 14
@LBP|200 190 150 477 238 865 240 176 580 450 446 896 240 290 14
@LBP|250 215 190 565 313 1068 280 180 650 500 485 985 305 345 14
@LBP|350 215 190 565 313 1068 280 180 650 500 495 995 305 345 14
Type Fuel Control mode Control motor Oil heater
@LBP|61D81 Heavy oil (B) Proportional œ œ
@LBP-120D150D200 Proportional œ œ
@LBP-250D350 Proportional œ œ
Type A 8 ‚b D ‚d ‚e ‚f H l J ‚j L M N
@LB|35 152 120 310 160 590 150 115 422 230 205 435 195 222 11
@LB|61iWj 152 120 335 162 617 155 115 422 254 254 508 195 224 11.5
@LB|81 152 120 360 287 767 173 136 464 300 260 560 210 240 14
@LBN|120 162 150 405 287 842 200 158 530 350 380 730 210 250 14
@LBN|150 190 150 477 305 932 240 176 582 460 380 840 240 290 14
@LBN|200 190 150 477 305 932 240 176 582 460 446 906 240 290 14
@LB|250 215 190 565 313 1068 280 180 650 500 485 985 305 345 14
@LB|350 215 190 565 313 1068 280 180 650 500 495 995 305 345 14

œ‚k‚s/‚k‚a Turbo fan series
œ‚k‚a series